Our open-source projects
We made Handlebars.js easy accessible for .NET developers! 14000+ downloads.
— 10/29/2013https://github.com/evereq/handlebars.js.nuget
Syntax Highlighting in bootstrap-wysihtml5
Code #syntax #highlighting using Highlight.js was added into bootstrap-wysihtml5 editor! Very useful for any project based on Twitter Bootstrap, which require simple & powerful HTML WYSIWYG editor. See
— Ruslan Konviser (@evereq) 10/29/2013http://evereq.github.io/bootstrap-wysihtml5
Couchbase Asp.Net Session Provider Extended
#Couchbase Asp.Net infrastructure (Session State and Output Caching Providers) was extended with additional functionality such as Compression, Logging and more!
— Ruslan Konviser (@evereq) 10/29/2013https://github.com/evereq/couchbase-aspnet
#LABjs is easy accessible as #NuGet #package and is downloaded more than 2000 times!
— 10/29/2013https://github.com/evereq/LABjs.nuget
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